Product manager - digital

Job Description

Product Managers are key to the success of products at IVL where they play at the intersection of technology, design and business.  Our definition, and expectation of product managers is far wider than a typical product management role at larger copmanies where you might be focusing on a specific part of a product and not actually own the final produict.

Desired Profile

- Demonstrable experience with full-cycle digital product management,

- B2B, B2C business models,

- CX and UI optimization,

- Digital marketing, growth strategies, analytics, metrics,

- Acquisition, conversion, retention,

- Team buildup and optimization,

- Project, task, information management, setting and managing expectations, executive level reporting and analysis

- Technical knowledge on how software products are built (not developer level),

- Personal curiosity, continuous innovation, hustle and a Day1 personality,

- Care for the environment, all living beings, yourself, your team members and customers,

- Independent thinker and self-motivated, driven operator,

- Written and verbal analysis and communication skills.

We don't expect you to be an expert in all of these areas but you can expect to learn a ton in all these areas after working at IVL.